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mRNA for N-Bak, a neuron-specific BH3-only splice isoform of Bak, escapes nonsense-mediated decay and is translationally repressed in the neurons

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mRNA for N-Bak, a neuron-specific BH3-only splice isoform of Bak, escapes nonsense-mediated decay and is translationally repressed in the neurons Empty mRNA for N-Bak, a neuron-specific BH3-only splice isoform of Bak, escapes nonsense-mediated decay and is translationally repressed in the neurons

Post  Jon Moulton Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:42 am

Jakobson M, Lintulahti A, Arumäe U. mRNA for N-Bak, a neuron-specific BH3-only splice isoform of Bak, escapes nonsense-mediated decay and is translationally repressed in the neurons. Cell Death Dis. 2012 Feb 2;3:e269. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2012.4.
Jon Moulton
Jon Moulton

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Join date : 2010-03-12
Age : 61
Location : Philomath, Oregon, USA


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