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Ildr1b is essential for semicircular canal development, migration of the posterior lateral line primordium, and hearing ability in zebrafish: Implications for a role in the recessive hearing impairment DFNB42

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Ildr1b is essential for semicircular canal development, migration of the posterior lateral line primordium, and hearing ability in zebrafish: Implications for a role in the recessive hearing impairment DFNB42 Empty Ildr1b is essential for semicircular canal development, migration of the posterior lateral line primordium, and hearing ability in zebrafish: Implications for a role in the recessive hearing impairment DFNB42

Post  Jon Moulton Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:51 am

Sang Q, Zhang J, Feng R, Wang X, Li Q, Zhao X, Xing Q, Chen W, Du J, Sun S, Chai R, Jin L, He L, Li H, Wang L. Ildr1b is essential for semicircular canal development, migration of the posterior lateral line primordium, and hearing ability in zebrafish: Implications for a role in the recessive hearing impairment DFNB42. Hum Mol Genet. 2014;[Epub ahead of print] doi:10.1093/hmg/ddu340
Jon Moulton
Jon Moulton

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Join date : 2010-03-12
Age : 61
Location : Philomath, Oregon, USA


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